FUNNY, WE KILL AN AVERAGE 1 PERSON PER MONTH.  please please please please let at least the masks remain until all is VACCINATED 🤣😂😁😬please

Nazarites like Samson, Samuel, John The Baptist, Levites, Priests    would have to keep away from you guys  Numbers 6:6 - "All the days that he separateth [himself] unto the LORD he shall come at no dead body."  
my last day at Mccrab Baptist was Sunday 03 08 2020.  i heard that 6 GRABBED covid BUT GOD quickened them when i went back to say goodbye maybe a couple was wearing Face Masks in december
FUNNY THAT THE UNBORN LIFE IS PRECIOUS while the old is WORTHLESS (fodder for your god "dr" Kevorkian) 
all your deaths remind me of Niger ghettos (not BLACKS) so many funeral homes at your rate... a driveby shooting, a black on black homicide, a cop shooting, an abusive "man" etc.  

  listen  (🙏continuous play available when your hands are busy🙏)
when sleep doesn't come fast enough listen to Larry Milliken's sweet calming voice (like David playing for King Saul) a win win situation -you fall asleep 👌 you don't fall asleep you're in communion with THE LIVING GOD either way U win👏

♥Luke 20:38 For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.
LORD GOD, i PRAISE YOU for THANK YOU JESUS for Larry Milliken, HOLY SPIRIT of GOD i am GRATEFUL for Rev DR Craig Miller and Rev Ben Kurz of faithlakecity    THANK YOU GOD,  mom found the $5600 lost in january after LINDA conway DEMOSTHENES 04251968-01032021 funeral on THANKSGIVING  BLESSED BE GOD


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